النص أسم السورة رقم الاية رقم السورة
لَوْ أَرَدْنَا أَنْ نَتَّخِذَ لَهْوًا لَاتَّخَذْنَاهُ مِنْ لَدُنَّا إِنْ كُنَّا فَاعِلِينَ الأنبياء 17 21
Sura No Verse No Verse Translation Translated By
21 17 Had We intended to take a pastime (i.e. a wife or a son. etc.). We could surely have taken it from Us. if We were going to do (that). Hilali
21 17 If We had wished to find a pastime. We could have found it in Our presence - if We ever did. Pickthal
21 17 21:17 Had We wished to make a diversion, We would have made it from before Ourselves: by no means would We do (it). Shakir
21 17 If it had been Our wish to take (just) a pastime, We should surely have taken it from the things nearest to Us, if We would do (such a thing)! Yusuf Ali